A little while ago my sister posted something on twitter from Simon and Schuster Canada. They're doing something called "Running Like a Girl Challenge" and it's to promote the book Running Like a Girl by Alexandra Heminsley as well as to try and get more people out, active and running. The basis of this challenge is, you commit to running a race or half marathon in the month of June and blog/social media about it, and they'll send you a copy of the book and a runner's starter kit.
I looked up when Met Con Blue was going to be, and since it was in June I decided, what the hell I'll give it a try. So far I'm not doing very well haha.
I was super excited when I got my package (I don't get many things mailed to me, or free for that matter) but I still haven't actually started the book. The package included the book, a notebook, hair ties, socks, an energy bar, water bottle and nail polish! Apparently these are all things that Alexandra recommends in the book.
In case you were wondering, Met Con Blue is a mountain adventure (or mud) rave that takes place at Blue Mountain Resort in Collingwood. I've worked at Blue for the past 3 summers and each year I've wanted to participate so this year I'm finally going to do it. I have just over a month now before the race on June 14.
I'm also going to be taking part in another run on June 4. It's the Westin 5k, also taking place at Blue Mountain, but it's less of a :need to do well" and more just to get active. The Westin has this whole well being movement that they're starting. Trying to get staff healthy I guess. But a girl from work and I signed up together so it should be fun.
Anyways, that's my first of hopefully many updates on this challenge. Wish me luck!
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